Monday, 24 March 2014

1273670 Vivek Saini, F2, Q46 Comment on Re engineering the distribution in Insurance sector?

Re-engineering involves the re-appraisal and review of the processes and systems of an organization such that, in the midst of competition, it becomes not only more efficient and effective but also continues to deliver value to its stakeholders. In terms of an industry, reengineering will entail regulatory review designed not only to restructure the business landscape and reposition the affected industry in the scheme of things but also to enhance its contributions to national economic growth and development. For an industry like insurance battered by claims repudiation, slow operational processes and its attendant wastes, low Information technology, dearth of adequate skilled manpower etc.


Insurance is the equitable transfer of the risk of a loss, from one entity to another in exchange for payment.

Distribution: Insurance distribution is not simply about pushing product. An outsized share of the value across the entire insurance industry value chain is added in distribution.
Insurance intermediaries help insurers by:

1.       Facilitating entry into the market, helping new insurers reach a wide client base without having to incur the costs of building a distribution network.
2.       Assisting with claims-related services and policy administration.

They also help insurance customers by:
1.       identifying the risks customers face
2.       ensuring that customers take informed decisions about the risks
3.       designing new and innovative solutions
4.       reducing customers’ search costs
5.       providing personalized advice
6.       Assisting customers with claims-related services and policy administration.

Insurance products are also sold directly by some insurance companies and bank-assurance.

Until very recently, many did not perceive insurance business as a crucial financial service mainly because the purchase of insurance service does not involve the exchange of any physical product.

Thus, the focus of re-engineering in this sector must be to enhance its image through prompt processing and payment of all legitimate claims, aggressive marketing of its value creating abilities, the packaging of insurance policies in easy language, need based products development, buying habits and risk profile of the insured, etc.

Re-engineering process:
1.      Rebuilding the Image of the Insurance Industry
2.      Marketing of Insurance Products
·        Product Design
·        Simplify Language of Policies
·        The People Issues
·        Better Business Control and Reporting
·        The Code of Ethics

Conclusion: Insurance creates value because it protects. It creates value because it is an antidote to fear, uncertainties and risk. It creates value because it stimulates and encourages investment. If it is re-engineered as proposed, it will continue to reinforce and facilitate trade both at the national and international levels, such that value and wealth are created on a sustainable basis. Finally, re-engineering the insurance industry should not begin and end with just recapitalization and induced mergers.

We must move towards financial supervision and market supervision such that the solvency of insurers and their practices are scrupulously monitored by an efficient and effective regulatory agency. Only then will the insured feel confident that they have coverage for any insurance product purchased.

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