borrow money and pay interest ,when they can even print the currency and solve
the problem of debt and can have interest free money
why govt. should not print money and instead borrow it:
money will cause Problems of Inflation.
Printing money causes high inflation and
value of currency falls and thus it creates a situation where money devalues
and it will directly affect the production in an economy.
Fall in value of savings
If people have cash savings, then inflation
will erode the value of savings. High
inflation can also reduce the incentive to save.
Menu costs
If inflation is very high then it becomes
harder to make transactions. Prices frequently change. Firms have to spend more
on changing price lists. In the hyperinflation of Germany, prices rose so
rapidly, people used to get paid twice a day.
This destabilises an economy.
Uncertainty and confusion
High inflation creates uncertainty. Periods
of high inflation discourage firms from investing and can lead to lower
economic growth.
Suppose an economy produces Rs10 crore
worth of goods e.g. 1 crore books at Rs10 each.
If the government doubled the money supply,
we would still have 1 crore books but people have more money. Demand for books
would rise and firms would push up prices.
The most likely scenario is that if money
supply is doubled. we would have 1 crore books sold at Rs20. The economy is now
worth Rs20 crore rather than Rs10 crore. But, the number of goods is exactly
the same.
We can say that the increase in GDP is a
money illusion. – True this will have more money, but if everything is more
expensive, we are not any better off. In this, printing more money has made
goods more expensive, but hasn’t change the quantity of goods.
Printing Money and National debt
Governments borrow by selling government
bonds / gilts to the private sector. Bonds are a form of saving. People buy
government because they assume a government bond is a safe investment. However,
this assumes that inflation will remain low.
If governments print money to pay off
national debt, inflation would rise. This increase in inflation would reduce
the value of bonds.
If inflation increases, people will not
want to hold bonds because their value is falling. Therefore, the government
will find it difficult to sell bonds to finance the national debt. They will
have to pay higher interest rates to attract investors.
If the government print too much money and
inflation gets out of hand, investors will not trust the government and it will
be hard for the government to borrow anything at all.
To prevent devaluing the currency
The value of currency falls ,if the govt.
will print whatever will be required and soon the economy will fail.
Real example:
Inflation was so bad in Germany that money
became worthless. Here a child is using money as a toy. Money was used as
wallpaper, to make kites. Towards the end of 1923, so much money was needed,
people had to carry it about in wheel barrows. You hear stories of people
stealing the wheel barrow, but leaving the money.

Another reason for not printing money
In truth, money is not created until the
instant it is borrowed. It is the act of borrowing which causes it to spring
into existence. And, incidentally, it is the act of paying off the debt that
causes it to vanish. If everyone paid back all that was borrowed, there would
be no money left in existence."
Debt is a transfer of accumulated wealth
from someone to someone else. New money is wealth created from scratch. New
money makes old money worth less. As people rush to get rid of the old money
before it loses too much value, those words can fuse into WORTHLESS.
Therefore, printing money could create more
problems than it solves so govt borrow money to stabilize economy and reduce
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