Friday, 17 January 2014

Assignment No 1

Assignment - 1
Banking and Insurance Operations (MB 927)
MBA 4th Semester Jan-Apr 2014

Date of Assignment: 20th Jan 2014
Last Date of Submission: 3rd Feb 2014 2:00 pm                                                            Max Marks: 10

Assignment writing guidelines
1.     Your lecture notes will give you the basic framework ONLY of the ideas, theories and concepts you will need to complete the assignment. These notes will therefore NOT be sufficient on their own. You will need to make use of the required reading, extra references and any other material you come across in the course of researching your assignment Question(s).
2.     When you are taking notes for your assignment, try and `translate' what the author is saying into your own words. Don't just copy out huge chunks from other people’s work, otherwise they will probably end up in your assignment with very little of the wording changed (which is plagiarism). Also try to think about what is being said from your own point of view - do you agree or disagree with the points that the author is making?
3.     Take down basic points from as many sources as you can manage and compare what the authors are saying as you are reading. There will be both similarities and differences in their views and it helps if you can begin to classify authors together.
4.     Remember, for referencing purposes, to take down page numbers of all the quotes you reproduce from other people’s work, and full citation details for each source you use. See the referencing guidelines for details of how to reference academic work.
5.     Try to stick to the introduction/ discussion/ conclusion format in your Assignment – i.e., set the context of the essay and outline the structure of your argument, cover the relevant material, and then tie the discussion up by summarizing what has been said and offering YOUR opinion on what the question is asking about, based on the sources you have used.
6.     You will be assigned one question each. The question No will be given to you by your instructor and all questions will be posted on the blog spot.
7.     The Assignment has to be posted on the blog spot & as new blog by 2:00 pm of 3rd of Feb 2014 by each one of you. The subject line should contain your roll no, name, section, Question No and the Question e.g. <1234567 Gurdeepak Singh, F1, Q23 – Why Euro Crisis is affecting Global economy?>

Q1        Permitted Currencies - What are they?

Q2        Should funds received under FDI investments be better utilized?

Q3        Regulating the Regulators: Need for Super Regulator?

Q4        Unclaimed Deposits – Are banks doing enough?

Q5        Increase in Repo Rate? Pros and cons in current scenario?

Q6        New Banking Law to allow more players. Good or Bad?

Q7        KYC and Anti-Money Laundering? Your views?

Q8        Need for a Total Review of CBLO – Money Market Instrument?

Q9        Should Government look at introducing a currency note of 200 denomination?

Q10      Importing Gold into India? Good or Bad for economy?

Q11      Will Banks invest in New ATMs?

Q12      Corporate Social Responsibility in banking? Comment?

Q13      Foreign banks on Indian Land? Your views?

Q14      ICICI Tab banking? Your views?

Q15      World Bank and its impact on India?

Q16      Interest Rate Scenario in India as on today?

Q17      Lending to SMEs? The current scenario?

Q18      Banking frauds in India? The trend and the reasons?

Q19      Is mobile banking more secure than online banking?

Q20      Bank fee exploiting the poor? Comment?

Q21      Do banks lend out more money than is entrusted to them by depositors?

Q22      How do banks create money?

Q23      Why do governments borrow money and pay interest when they could print all the interest-free money they need themselves?

Q24      Dependence on Monsoons in India? Comment?

Q25      Gold investments by Indians? Is it for good or Bad?

Q26      Should Govt. subsidies continue?

Q27      Is Indian economy insulated from global slowdown?

Q28      Should bribes be legalized? Your take on that?

Q29      Is inflation always harmful? Comment?

Q30      Is Consolidation of Banks the way forward? Give your views?

Q31      Allowing corporate into Banking space good or bad?

Q32      Can trade help poor?

Q33      Are Co-operatives Relevant in Today's Global Environment?

Q34      Indian villages - our strength or our weakness?

Q35      Poverty in Third World Countries is due to Prosperity in First World Countries

Q36      Is Globalization Really Necessary?

Q37      Should the public sector be privatized?

Q38      Why are banks enhancing process and risk assessments?

Q39      How cost-efficient are Indian banks?

Q40      Is debt a ticking time bomb for India too?

Q41      How to solve inflation and growth at the same time?

Q42      Does shadow banking exist in India?

Q43      How will India’s rating affect stock investors?

Q44      Are Indian banks sufficiently capital equipped?

Q45      Indian Banking: Outlook for 2014?

Q46      Housing Finance: Boom or Bust?

Q47      IMF’s growth projection for India?

Q48      Charging Customers for ATM usage? Your views?

Q49      Emerging strategies of Banking sector?

Q50      Governance in India Banks?

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